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of  tt|e 

(Sforty-seconh  Session 

\\i\h  in 

^inetccn  liunbreb  anb  tlitrty-six 
at  8igl|t  o'dotk 


^raiBC,   mu   Soul,  thr  pnic\   nf  33pa6en! 

Praise,    my    soul,    the    King    of    Heaven; 

To    His    feet    thy    tribute    bring; 
Ransomed,    healed,     restored,    forgiven. 

Who    like    thee    His    praise    s'hall    sing? 
Praise    Him!      praise    Him  I 
Praise    the    everlasting    King! 

Praise    Him    for    His    grace    and    favour 
To    our    fathers    in    distress; 

Praise    Him,    still    the    same    as    ever, 
Slow    to    chide,     and    swift    to    bless: 
Praise    Him!      praise    Him! 

Glorious    in    His    faithfulness! 

Angels,    help    us    to    adore    Him; 

Ye    behold    Him    face    to    face! 
Sun    and    moon,    bow    down    before    Him! 

Dwellers    all    in    time    and    space. 
Praise    Him!      praise    Him! 
Praise   with   us  the  God   of    grace! 

33elp  ntp,  (§  |Corb,  the  (l^>ll^  nf  luy  ^alfaation! 

Help    me,    O    Lord,  the    God    of    my    salvation!  ^M 

I    have    no    hope,  no    refuge   but    in   Thee;  ^^ 

Help    me    to    make  this    perfect    consecration. 

In    life    or    death  Thine    evermore    to    be. 

Help    me,    O    Lord,    to    keep    my   pledge   unbroken! 

Guard  Thou   my  ways,   my  thoughts,   my   tongue,   my  heart; 
Help    me    to    trust   the   word   which   Thou    hast   spoken. 

That    from    Thy    paths    my    feet    may    ne'er    depart. 

Help   me,    O   Lord!    My    strength    is   only   weakness; 

Thine,    Thine    the    power    by    which    alone    I    live; 
Help    me    each    day    to    bear    the    cross   with    meekness, 

Till   Thou    at    last    the    promised    crown    shalt    give. 


Chairman    Principal  Jolm  McNicol 

Hymn Praise,  my  Soul,  the  King  of  Heaven 

Scripture  Reading  and  Prayer  .  .  Rev.  R.  V.  Bingham,  D.D. 

Anthem  ....  Round  the  Throne  of  God  Eternal  (Donizetti) 
The  College  Choir — conducted  by  Mr.  Ernest  Shildrick 

Words  of  Witness  by  Graduating  Students : 

Arnold  Gillott,  Elva  Click,  Percy  Ibbotson. 
Clara   Sullivan,  William  Tyler 

Double  Male  Trio   '    Coming  Home 

Messrs.  Christie,  Robinson,  Greer,  Wright, 
Richardson,  Knapp 

Graduating  Class  ^'aledictory    Emma  Sullivan 

Offering,  and  Hymns  by  the  College  Choir. 

Anthem   Unfold,  ye  Portals   (Gounod) 

The  College  Choir 

Presentation  of  Diplomas  and  Certificates 

by  the  President — Mr.  E.  G.  Baker 

Prayer  of  Dedication Rev.  George  C.  Pidgeon,  D.D. 

The  College  Hymn — 

Help  me,  O  Lord,  the  God  of  my  Salvation 

Benediction   Rev.  J.  B.  M.  Armour,  M.A. 


^tuJiEttts  &il]o  ^pcrtfje  (ira&unticin  ^ipkntiaa 

Donald    M.    Bainard    Toronto 

Ruby    Mae    Barnes    Barrie,    Ont. 

Elsie    May    Barrow    Toronto 

Clarence  T.    W.   Bass   Toronto 

Arthur    Brodie    Glensandfield,    Ont. 

Robert    J.    Chubb    Hamilton,    Ont. 

M.    Winnifred    Crafts    Kingsville,    Ont. 

John    Crook    Hamilton,    Ont. 

Charlotte    M.    Dancy    Toronto 

Mary    Gertrude   Davis    Severn    Bridge,    Ont. 

Florence    M.    Derbecker    Kitchener,    Ont. 

Ruth    Sylvia    Devitt    Kitchener,    Ont. 

F.    Paul    Erb   Kitchener,    Ont. 

Ruth    E.     Farmery    Toronto 

Ruth    Canton    Hillsdale,    Ont. 

Violet    Gartly    London,    Ont. 

Helena    W.    Gibbs    Simcoe,    Ont. 

Arnold    Ralph    Gillott    Woodstock,    Ont. 

Elva    Katharine    Click    Lancaster,    Pa.,    U.S.A. 

Ellen    Phyllis    C.    Greenslade    Listowel,    Ont. 

Matthew  J.   R.   Greer    Tionaga,    Ont. 

Ina    V.    Heighes    Owen    Sound,    Ont. 

Edna   Noeleen   Hodgson   Montreal.    Que. 

William    G.    Holder    Toronto 

Florence    Lillian    Hough    • ■•■•••     Toronto 

Annie    Joan    Howell    Cherchell,    Algeria 

Ivy    M     Hunt   St.    Catharines,    Ont. 

Alma    Elliott    Hunter    Toronto 

Percy    R.    Ibbotson    ••■•-•• • J^°l°''^° 

Elizabeth    Orr    Johnston    Rutherglen,    Scotland 

Dorothy    Grace    Jones    Toronto 

Charlie    C.    Keefer    Hahburton,    Ont. 

Frank    B.   C.    Keys    ^^"^^^"5'    S"!" 

Helen    E.    Knight    ■■■•    Meaford,    Ont. 

Theodore    A.    Kreick    Hearts    Hill,    Sask. 

Robert   Theron   Krick    Winona     Ont. 

Anna    Margaret    Lefever    Lancaster,    Pa.,    U.S.A. 

Viola    B.    Lewis    Toronto 

Helen    E.     Lock     •. •     Tor°nto 

Florence   Isabel    Merryweather    ....    Kpada,    Nigeria,    W.    Africa 

Jessie    Mabel    Moore,    Reg.N Chefoo,    China 

Olive    Pearl    Moore    '^°''x?o" 

Allister  Evan   Morrison   South   Gut   of  St.   Annes,   N.b. 

Eva   R.    Musser    Lancaster,    Pa.,    U.S.A. 

Kathleen    Elizabeth    Naftel    ••••    Toronto 

C     Orville   Nott    Sault  Ste.    Mane,   Ont. 

Winifred    P.    Osborne    Bronte,    Ont. 

Norman    H.     Parish     Z°''°^^° 

Douglas   C.    Percy    ••■• ••    Toronto 

Roy    Albert   Pitts    Hamilton,    Ont. 

Oscar    Billings    Richardson    Woodstock,    Ont. 

C.    Elizabeth    Saunders    Toronto 

Jean    Canby    Scott    Courtright,    Ont. 

Margaret    E.    Shipley    I"""""^" 

Earl    Sigston    ^°''°"*° 

Winifred    Simpkins    I°^°". 

Lilian   F.   So-ftley   :;•   Toronto 

Isabella    Spence    Hamilton,    Onl. 

Ruth   Mabel   Standring   Hamilton,  Ont. 

Ruth    S.    Stirrett    Toronto 

Clara    Ann    Sullivan    Toronto 

Emma   Helen  Sullivan    Toronto 

Marion    Elsie    Triplett    Sault    Ste.    Mane,    Ont. 

William    W.    Tyler    Chefoo,    China 

William    J.    Walker    ■■■■■■■    Toronto 

Hazel    Louise   Walter    Oshawa,    Ont. 

Frances    F.    Weidmark    Picton,    Ont. 

John    Elmore    Williamson    ;•;••■;    Toronto 

Helen    Olive   Wilson    Whitby,    Ont. 

Isabella    P.    Tilly    Wilson    Toronto 

^titbents  iol\tt  '^eceiite  ^fecnirtg  (Class  tUBrttficatcs 

Dorothy  W.  Allen 
Vera  W.  Brown 
Alice  W.  Caldwell 
Ruth  Irene  Caldwell 
Jean  E.  Clements 
Tillie  Craig 

Marjorie  A.  Crane 
Lucy  Kathleen  Fluker 
Olive    Hood 

Margaret  M.  MacKinnon 
Jean    McGarrie 
Harold  M.  Oetzel 

Barbara  E.   Smith 
Flora  C.   Warren 
Theodora   C.    Warren 
Olive  D.  Widdifield 
Ronald  James  Williams